Schermer Windmill
May 19, 2017 · 804 Likes · 44 comments · 2528 Followers
Schermer Windmill – Holland
This is Day 1 of 40 on my Enlighten Europe #documentary.
PHOTO TIP – ASK THE LOCALS: if you find a beautiful scene that you would like to photograph but you don’t know where it is, ask the locals. They will give you the address and you can use GPS to get there early in the morning for the pastel colors of sunrise! —

Cologne Cathedral
May 23, 2017 · 689 Likes · 27 comments · 2504 Followers
Cologne Cathedral – Scroll left to see two more images of the inside. The third image of the Holy Water bowl with shadows and reflections is part of my #chiaroscuro images of Enlighten Europe.
This cathedral is Germany’s most visited landmark with an average of 20,000 visitors a day. This famous monument of German Catholicism and Gothic architecture survived World War II bombings when everything else in the city was completely flattened. Allied forces chose to avoid hitting this amazing Cathedral. When the Germans leaders taunted them because they couldn’t hit it with their bombs allied planes dropped thousands of bags of flour all over it, to signify they chose to preserve the structure that was built over centuries from 1248-1473… then finally finished it 1880.
PHOTO TIP – TOURIST REMOVAL: There are several ways to “remove tourists” from a location like this. The quickest method is to scan upward above their heads and capture details in the facade. —

Burg Eltz Castle
May 25, 2017 · 826 Likes · 39 comments · 2782 Followers
Burg Eltz Castle – Germany
PHOTO TIP – REFLECTIONS – When there are no clouds to “carry the sunset color” try to find a river or lake and set up your tripod so you can capture a reflection to repeat the sunset color. —

Gate to Burg Eltz Castle
May 27, 2017 · 1,354 Likes · 63 comments · 3076 Followers
Gate to Burg Eltz Castle – Germany
PHOTO TIP – BLENDING: for a dreamy sky, bracket your exposures and use the darkest one to mask in the sky. Try a selective color adjustment layer in PS to remove color from the clouds to make them pop.

Rome's Magical Sunset
June 6, 2017 · 1,285 Likes · 64 comments · 3976 Followers
Enlighten Tour Update: I captured this image during blue hour (the hour after sunset) in Rome on the Pont d’Angelo (Bridge of Angels). —
PHOTO TIP: VARIED LIGHTING — Shoot during sunset and stay after for blue hour when the residual color spreads across any wispy clouds. Most people leave the scene too early and miss the night lights and the final burst of color at the start of blue hour. Also look for water reflections to spread more light and color. —

Light Painting
June 14, 2017 · 881 Likes · 70 comments · 4866 Followers
LIGHT PAINTING IN TUSCANY! I love finding old textures and setting up a scene like this. And Italy has so many great light paintings just waiting to happen!
So when I saw this old blue Vespa at the B&B we stayed at…I asked the owner if I could arrange it by a stucco wall and move some flower pots to the scene. Of course I had to use Google translate because he did not know much English. When I showed him some example photos in my photobook he understood what I was going for! He was so excited when he saw the final result!
PHOTO TIP: OFF-CAMERA LIGHTING – Try off-camera lighting angles with a flashlight for more interesting shadows! Start off with a completely dark exposure by using ISO 100; F16. Use a tripod and a 30-second exposure while you use a halogen flashlight to paint light on your subject. Be sure to leave some shadows so it doesn’t look like you hit it with a flash or headlights! —

Moret Sur Long
June 20, 2017 · 1,341 Likes · 52 comments · 5439 Followers
MORET-SUR-LORING: This is a magical village outside Paris where you can swim and explore charming medieval buildings with water wheels, Waterfalls and swans appear out of the blue!
PHOTO TIP – GET WET – Look for water to get light and color reflections at blue hour and be prepared to wade in the stream to get the best low angle with your tripod. —

Golden Hour Reflections
June 27, 2017 · 903 Likes · 36 comments · 6029 Followers
Golden Hour Reflections! This Village outside Paris is a great place to stay and swim and take photos! Then just catch a 40 minute train ride into Paris.
PHOTO TIP – GOLDEN POND LOOK: First shoot into the sun with an aperture of f16 to f22 right when the sun is going below horizon. Next open the image in Photoshop and add the selective color adjustment layer. Choose the WHITES and move the color sliders to add more yellow and magenta! —

Violet Hour
July 2, 2017 · 1311 Likes · 94 comments · 6853 Followers
Violet Hour: One of my favorite chateaus! I had to pinch myself several times at this magical place to see if it was real. That perfect moment when #goldenhour meets #bluehour
PHOTO TIP – DOUBLE THE MAGIC WITH A REFLECTION: I looked online for a chateau surrounded by water, then planned a night in a town near this Sully-sur-Loire chateau. It’s worth the drive when you can double the color and light with a perfectly still body of water to reflect the magic. There were closer, very captivating castles but none with water like this. The moat is not as large as it looks, but with just the right angle and a wide angle lens, I was able to achieve a complete reflection. This is when is pays off to drive and not take the train. Trains don’t stop for perfect light at perfect locations. —

Tuscany Sunrise
July 6, 2017 · 1076 Likes · 30 comments · 7189 Followers
TUSCANY SUNRISE: On my last morning in Tuscany, Italy, I drove around and found this hilltop overlooking the medieval village of San Gimignano, or as I like to call it.. “The City of Towers.” I can’t get this incredible skyline out of my head. It is forever etched in my memory. And the mellow, golden colored light of Tuscany is unlike anywhere else I have visited.⠀
PHOTO TIP – COMPOSITION: With a layered landscape and outstanding skyline like this one, try to find leading lines that point to the focal point in the distance, where the towered city meets the unusually golden sunrise. —

July 9, 2017 · 940 Likes · 29 comments · 7172 Followers
Moret-Sur-Loing: This place is a delightful and picturesque place to stay if you like rivers, swans, ducks, and swimming!⠀
PHOTO TIP – PICTURESQUE VILLAGES: When visiting a large city like Paris, I prefer to stay out of town in a small village within an hour train ride. You can save on hotel costs and you don’t have to drive or park in the city. Further, you can often find less crowded, awesome places to photograph. So I usually google search something like “best small towns near Paris” and then look at the images to see what and where the hot spots are. Then I put the name of that location in my Google maps to find it when we arrive in the town. This is how I discovered Moret-sur-Loing and it was a winner! I would stay there again. It was a short walk to the train station and a simple 40-minute ride to the Eiffel Tower. –⠀

Smooth Ride
July 13, 2017 · 816 Likes · 46 comments · 7640 Followers
SMOOTH RIDE – A gondolier guides his eager passengers through one of the many Venetian canals. ⠀
PHOTO TIP – LENS COMPRESSION BOKEH: For portraits, you would normally use a prime lens (such as 50mm or 85mm) with a wide aperture (f/1.8 or 2.8) to achieve background blur (bokeh). However, in this case I used a zoom lens to zoom in on the subject, which creates a lens compression effect that also produces bokeh. –⠀

Creative Photoart
July 18, 2017 · 1,117 Likes · 64 comments · 8079 Followers
TELL YOUR STORY WITH CREATIVE PHOTOART: Photography is art and I believe photographers have the right to be creative, just as an artist who paints a scene from memory. Swans and ducks were swimming everywhere and this is my memory of the scene. I observed and photograph them for hours, then I merged a few different images together to create this piece and tell my own story of this magical place.
PHOTO TIP – INSPIRED BY REALITY: I enjoy many types of photography. As a college visual communication professor and practitioner, I feel it is important to stay up on changing trends and all types of visual comm. My sister was a well-known professional watercolor artist when she died of breast cancer in 2002. As a photographer I found it frustrating that she could use her imagination and creativity to paint the scene, while my photography only showed realism. So I taught myself Photoshop and started trying creative photoart. Now I find it equally fulfilling to capture an image that is SOOC (Straight Out Of Camera) without editing, as I do to use auxiliary lights and post production techniques to create art. —

July 18, 2017 · 1,092 Likes · 52 comments · 8441 Followers
NOALE, ITALY – I love to find small villages outside of the famous European destinations to use as a homebase. For example. the town of Noale is a 50 minute train ride to Venice but it’s a charming place to discover in its own rite, with a castle, sidewalk cafes, and shops to explore! This is the bridge over the moat that surrounds the charming castle.
PHOTO TIP – HUMANIZE: In the past I might have worried if a few people were in my sunset shot like this, but now I look for ways to include a person or two in the background of my landscapes to add the human element… or “humanize” the scene. It also helps to add scale or in this case add interesting lighting features. —

Yvonne de Dreu
July 25, 2017 · 723 Likes · 37 comments · 8738 Followers
BERGEN, NETHERLANDS: Yvonne de Dreu is a wonderful hostess! She and her family hosted us for a delicious dinner and gave us a vintage leather suitcase to expand our souvenir space. They took us to an awesome antique store where we found a Dutch clock, along with brass and copper treasures. The de Dreu family are just like family to us since Jip came to live with us in Idaho as an exchange student for her senior year in high school.⠀
PHOTO TIP – BACKLIGHTING: When possible, try adding a fill light in the back of your scene. In the case, the natural window light lit up the dining table nicely, but opening a door in the back left brought in some nice backlight to help define and separate the subject. Without that background light, Yvonne would have blended into the dark background with her dark clothing. If you don’t have a door or window to let in natural back light, you can use a lamp, or speedlight to achieve the same effect. –⠀

Operai del Cimitero
August 28, 2017 · 1,043 Likes · 39 comments · 10536 Followers
Operai del Cimitero. (Cemetery workers) outside La Chiesa di Santo Spirito a Vipiteno were laying a new monument stone. This church cemetery is unique because each gravesite is surrounded by its own 4′ x 5′ garden plot where families keep beautiful flowers and groomed plants to pay respects to their loved ones who passed on. Spending time at cemeteries is an important part of Italian culture.
PHOTO TIP: PEOPLE & CULTURE – To photograph people in their environment.. use the Google Translate app for your phone while traveling to communicate with people and show you respect their lifestyle before you start taking photos. If you show interest in their way of life people are more likely to let you photograph them in their natural environment. Some will invite you in their homes or work areas and show you how they live. —

Old Bergen Ruinekerk
May 19, 2017 · 488 Likes · 19 comments · 2528 Followers
Old Bergen Ruinekerk – built in early 1500s – Day 2 of 40 on my #Enlighten #Europe #documentary #project.
PHOTO TIP: SMARTPHONE PANOS — Don’t be afraid to use a smart phone to capture something wide like this. A typical pano file from a smart phone is 18 MB and plenty large to print.

James and the Queen's Blue Volvo
May 23, 2017 · 682 Likes · 17 comments · 2504 Followers
James and the Queen’s Blue Volvo – ENLIGHTEN EUROPE: People – Culture – Landscape
Read the story of how James connects with his culture and history in the Netherlands – Day 5. See more photos and video from my 40-day Enlighten Tour of Europe on my website: www.carynesplin.com #enlightentour
PHOTO TIP – FOCAL POINT: Bring your people up close and personal in a scene to provide a strong focal point. I like to bring people close or place them far away in the distance to “humanize” the landscape. But I try to avoid putting them in “no man’s land” which I consider to be the middle when dividing the depth into thirds. —

Cheese Delivery By Boat
May 26, 2017 · 882 Likes · 47 comments · 2964 Followers
Cheese Delivery by boat in Alkmaar, Holland
PHOTO TIP – COMPOSITION – LEAD ROOM: Leave lead room in front of your subject so they have space to move into the scene. Also try to place the main action of the subject on the vertical and horizontal 1/3 lines if possible. —

San Gimignano
May 26, 2017 · 1,078 Likes · 51 comments · 3414 Followers
SAN GIMIGNANO – TUSCANY, ITALY…This is Day 13 of my 40-day Enlighten photography tour through Europe. It was a once-in-a-lifetime moment to turn around a bend in search of the perfect #sunrise capture and find this #scene. I could not believe my eyes when I saw this bright orange hot air balloon launching from a #Tuscan #field right below the medieval walled city of Sam Gimignano. So I scrambled out of the car to set up my #tripod while it was still in the scene. One of my objectives for this Enlighten project is to capture images that combine People Culture and Landscape. This is what I call “humanizing the landscape” and I love combining the old and the new.. which seems to be what Italy is all about.

St. Peter's Basilica
June 10, 2017 · 1,106 Likes · 52 comments · 4458 Followers
ST. PETER’S BASILICA, ROME: This place is so inspiring. My favorite piece here is the Pieta sculpture by Michelangelo. When I was 11 years old my parents brought me here and they told us it is the only statue Michelangelo signed. He was a new artist and people were attributing this sculpture to someone else. So he brought in his chisel and hammer and added a sash across Mary’s chest with his name on it!
But seriously his work is incredible. He carved his marble statues out of one piece of stone and the detail is perfect. I believe he was inspired of God to create his art to inspire us with more loving feelings about Mary and Jesus, etc. At that time we could walk right up to it and see it close up. I will never forget the feeling I had. When I arrived here after all these years, I remembered it was on the right side as you come in the front door.
So I hurried in that direction and it’s still in the same place! However now it is all protected behind a large glass wall. That is because a crazy man came in with a hammer and broke off Mary’s nose and her arm the year after we saw it, all those years ago. When I saw it this time…emotion took over and I couldn’t stop crying. It was a wonderful feeling of joy and love for all the pain and sacrifice that Mary and Jesus endured while in this mortal existence. And that’s what good art can do.
PHOTO TIP – POCKET CAMERA: Smart phone cameras are the best option when touring cathedrals and museums with famous art..because you can’t use a tripod or flash in many of them. —

French Rivera
June 16, 2017 · 1,225 Likes · 58 comments · 4458 Followers
French Riveria: On the way to Cap Canaille, the highest point in Europe directly above the sea.
PHOTO TIP – RESEARCH: Do some Google searches to find the best photography spots in a new area. For example, search for “How to – where – best photos Cassis France” then click on IMAGES. When you find an image you like, open it to get the name of where it is. Type that name in Google Maps and drive there! We drove into this town on the French Riveria only 30 minutes before sunset so I texted my Enlighten teaching assistant in Rexburg, Idaho, USA…Alex, to do a quick search because he had a better internet connection and voila’ he said this was the best spot… and he was right! —

Vintage Tuscany Bike
June 24, 2017 · 1,283 Likes · 86 comments · 5807 Followers
Vintage Tuscany Bike: I saw this old bike and just had to come back at golden hour!
PHOTO TIP – FOREGROUND / LOW ANGLE: When composing a landscape, look for something you can position in the foreground and then try a low angle to see if it improves the composition. —

June 30, 2017 · 894 Likes · 28 comments · 5807 Followers
Cassis! The quaint harbor village on the French Riviera with a castle on the hill, a beautiful beach and secret coves to discover around the bend. #favoriteplaces
PHOTO TIP – COOL & WARM: Try combining warm and cool lighting in the same image for a pleasing #complementary #contrast. For example the #bluehour light makes an image very #cool…but if you wait until the surrounding #warm city lights turn on at #dusk you get both cool and warm! —

Colors of Cassis
July 3, 2017 · 935 Likes · 27 comments · 6848 Followers
Cassis! The quaint harbor village on the French Riviera with a castle on the hill, a beautiful beach and secret coves to discover around the bend. #favoriteplaces
PHOTO TIP – COOL & WARM: Try combining warm and cool lighting in the same image for a pleasing #complementary #contrast. For example the #bluehour light makes an image very #cool…but if you wait until the surrounding #warm city lights turn on at #dusk you get both cool and warm! —

Stone Mason
July 7, 2017 · 631 Likes · 45 comments · 7263 Followers
Stone Mason: This happy fellow is a stone mason helping to build a castle with only medieval tools and techniques.
PHOTO TIP – WIDE APERTURE: When taking portraits use an f-stop (aperture) of 2.8 or 3.5 to give nice background blur. (Bokeh) This allows your subject to be the main focal point. You can also achieve the same effect with an iPhone 7plus (and some other smartphones) using the portrait mode. (Depth effect). I used my iPhone 7 Plus to capture this portrait. Let me know what you think? —

Colorful Row Cafes
July 10, 2017 · 1,028 Likes · 32 comments · 7360 Followers
Brugge, Belgium: The colorful row cafes provide great repetition and visual interest. ⠀
PHOTO TIP: NIGHT PHOTOGRAPHY – One of my favorite times for photography is at night. You not only get interesting lighting, you don’t have so many tourists in your scene, haha! So don’t put your camera away after the sun sets. Just grab your tripod and walk the city!

Oh The Soft Colors of Tuscany!
July 14, 2017 · 1,370 Likes · 61 comments · 7605 Followers
PHOTO TIP – WISPY CLOUDS CARRY COLOR: Watch for semi translucent clouds right before #goldenhour because they are often just the type you need to spread the sunset color across the sky! 7605–⠀⠀

July 19, 2017 · 764 Likes · 38 comments · 8103 Followers
TIZIANA: Tiziana operates a bed and breakfast through Airbnb with a breathtaking view of Pieve di Cadore, Italy. —
PHOTOTIP – AUXILIARY LIGHT: To capture a well exposed environmental portrait, you should consider adding auxiliary light. In this case Tiziana would be in silhouette without the off-camera flash I placed to the left side. If you only shoot portraits with natural light you have a constant problem: If you expose the scene so your subject’s face is well lit, then the sky will be blown out in most cases (unless you are lucky enough to have a dark stormy sky in the background.) Setting your exposure a bit dark so the sky is a rich color and background looks great will require you to use a light on your subject (from the side aka: “off-camera” for more interesting shadows) Them use an off-camera speedlight (from the side) to make your portraits so much more professional. Getting it right in the camera saves so much time in post, so keep a speedlight in your bag! —

July 22, 2017 · 909 Likes · 12 comments · 8482 Followers
PIEVE DI CADORE, ITALY: Airbnb is a great option to find affordable lodging with views like this right outside your window. I sat on our balcony and watched the clouds swooping around these peaks.
PHOTO TIP – GOOGLE IT: To find the location of an upcoming overnight stop, I like to google the name of various towns, them click on “images” to find the most intriguing vistas. I also click to the sites and read about the area. It also helps to Google “best places to photograph in Pieve di Cadore” or whatever town you are thinking your might stay in. You can often find great articles or blog posts that give you all the best photo spots and how to get to those places at the right time of day to get the best shots from that area. —

Schermerhorn Silhouette
July 26, 2017 · 1,338 Likes · 34 comments · 8738 Followers
SCHERMERHORN – The shape of a windmill has a certain fairy tale quality to it.. unless of course you live in Holland and see them on a regular basis. It is interesting how we overlook the romantic icons in our own backyard. Our Dutch friends thought it strange I wanted to photograph windmills in sunset and sunrise. What do you think?
PHOTO TIP – SILHOUETTE: If you set your exposure settings for the sky, it often shows more interesting light and colors than you would notice with your eyes. Plus it creates a silhouette out of a large foreground shape like this. So meter the light on the sky, but focus on the subject to keep those lines tack sharp! —

Cassis Overlook
September 19, 2017 · 1,503 Likes · 65 comments · 11456 Followers
CASSIS, FRANCE: This is one of my favorite spots in all of Europe! I teach Visual Communication in the Comm Dept. at Brigham Young University-Idaho and I want to thank BYU-I administrators for sponsoring my 40-day project to study the people, culture and landscapes of Europe to develop course materials for our students all around the globe! —
PHOTO TIP – RESEARCH BEST SPOTS: While in Europe this summer I found it to be very helpful to spend a little time doing research online to find the best locations in a given area. We arrived right before sunset to the town of Cassis, France. But I had a poor signal on the way to this spot. I could text though, so I contacted my TA in Idaho, and asked him to send me directions to the cliffs above this town so I could get this viewpoint. Within a few minutes he directed me up the right road to get this shot! Thanks, Alex! Check out his amazing work @calexbrown —

Single Swan
October 2, 2017 · 1,163 Likes · 20 comments · 12162 Followers
BRUGGE, BELGIUM: This was my very favorite town in Europe this summer while I was on an Enlighten photo tour for BYU-Idaho, where I teach Visual Communication and Professional Imaging courses.
PHOTO TIP – WATERSCAPE: There is something magical about water! So I try to include it whenever possible. As the locals where the famous bridges and iconic water feature locations are. Then position your tripod so you can get a nice reflection. —

Nightstalking Windmills in Holland
May 20, 2017 · 1,154 Likes · 88 comments, 2562 Followers
Nightstalking Windmills in Holland. — Day 3 of 40 on my Enlighten Europe #photography #documentary.
PHOTO TIP – BLUE HOUR: Add a warm continuous light to the subject (windmill) and shoot during blur hour, which is the hour after sunset. —

Triberg Falls
May 24, 2017 · 1,077 Likes · 52 comments · 2612 Followers
Triberg Falls – Black Forest of Germany
PHOTO TIP – 5 Tips for Waterfalls spell W-A-T-E-R:
W= Wide lens
A= Angle – low
T= Tripod
E = Exposure – slow (1/4 sec) maybe cpl filter?
R= Rub dry (dry lens before each shot)

Achtel Falls
May 26, 2017 · 1,230 Likes · 45 comments · 2964 Followers
Achtel Falls – Black Forest – Triberg, Germany
PHOTO TIP – DODGE AND BRUN — Use the dodge and burn tools in Photoshop to darken shadows and brighten highlights. —

Night View: Leaning Tower of Pisa
June 3, 2017 · 1,196 Likes · 46 comments · 3837 Followers
Night view: Leaning Tower of Pisa —
PHOTO TIP: CONTRAST — It is generally quite appealing to combine “cool and warm” or “blue and orange” in one image. The white stone of the tower provides a nice contrast with the warm light on the foreground statue.

Vernazza, Cinque Terre
June 10, 2017 · 1,394 Likes · 89 comments · 4458 Followers
Vernazza, Cinque Terre — One of the prettiest little harbors in the world. There’s no driving here, so pack light and plan to #hike plenty of steep paths and stairs with narrow, #picturesque streets.
PHOTO TIP – VANTAGE PONT: There were some nice views from the jetty at the harbor entrance near this town. But getting as high as you can above the city is always worth the effort if there is a #hill nearby. Take a flashlight so you can see to hike down, because it pays off to stay and shoot during blue hour, the hour after #sunset. —

France: Sénanque Abbey
June 17, 2017 · 959 Likes · 39 comments · 5245 Followers
ENLIGHTEN TOUR – FRANCE: Sénanque Abbey: Monks in this monastery still practice the medieval cycle of silence-prayer-study-work as they cultivate lavender and honey in the fields surrounding this castle built in 1148.
PHOTO TIP – CREATIVE EDITS: After visiting Vincent van Gogh’s art-therapy retreat earlier in the day, I was #inspiredwith his #impressionistic style, so I use the #DistressedFX app to create a #painting effect on my image of this #country side monastery. —

Golden Hour at the Belfort of Brugge
June 26, 2017 · 1,267 Likes · 69 comments · 5838 Followers
Golden Hour at the Belfort of Brugge (aka Bruges) —
PHOTO TIP – BRACKET FOR QUALITY NOT HDR: To get optimal quality and superb pixel depth, I like to bracket and shoot in raw. For this sunset, I set up my Sony A7Rii and Zeiss Batis 18mm lens on a tripod and captured a set of five raw images one stop apart. This way I get one image that is a oerfect exposure for the sky, one for the water, one for the buildings, etc. But I do not bracket for the HDR effect. Instead I combine several exposures to produce better pixel depth so I can raise the shadows without getting noise and print large format fine art prints with tack-sharp pixels. So I avoid using the auto toning or HDR effects when merging the images in Lightroom. Once I have a merged DNG image I run through some quick Lightroom edits to reproduce the fabulous light my eyes were seeing during this sublime #goldenhour Finally I hit Cmd+E to bring the image into Photoshop (Be sure to change your default export setting to PSD instead of TIFF) Then I do some spot cleanup, lens distortion correction, selective sharpening on the buildings, color balance or photo filter and a bit of dodging and burning. Voila’!–

Village Bench Ritual
July 1, 2017 · 849 Likes · 60 comments · 6828 Followers
Village Bench Ritual: I imagine these two friends meet each evening to reminisce about the good old days and watch the people pass by. I observed them for a while and at times they laughed, stared, smirked and argued the night away. Environmental portraits are my favorite type of portraiture so capturing these two in their normal routine of life, just melted my butter. ?
PHOTO TIP – SHADOWS: I used the burn tool in Photoshop to add shadows to push everything into the background, except our delightful subjects. As I like to say.. “Use shadows to shape, define and draw attention to the light.” Caryn Esplin

Tuscany Lines
July 4, 2017 · 1,209 Likes · 46 comments · 6842 Followers
TUSCANY LINES: The long rows of cypress trees in Tuscany fields make for a visual feast.⠀
PHOTO TIP – LEADING LINES: When possible use man made or natural lines in a scene to lead your viewer to a focal point, such as this home on the hill. It is particularly nice when the lines are diagonal or when they divide the scene into triangles. These elements can create interesting compositions. –⠀

Blue Hour in Brugge
July 8, 2017 · 1,422 Likes · 72 comments · 7161 Followers
Blue Hour in Brugge One of my favorite times to photograph one of my favorite places on the planet!⠀
PHOTO TIP – WAIT FOR IT: Many photographers leave after Golden Hour. Sometimes, but not always, the best shot comes during Blue Hour, so wait about 15 minutes longer until the light in your scene is overpowers the light in the sky. This helps if you get city lights or spotlights to do the work for you. It not, get out your flood light and light up the foreground. Then you would have a light painting. In this case, the buildings were all lit, but I did need to adjust the white balance and tone down some of the brighter lights with a long exposure of about 5 seconds.–⠀

Gateway to Cadore, Italy
July 12, 2017 · 1,073 Likes · 59 comments · 7651 Followers
GATEWAY TO CADORE, ITALY! The town of Pieve di Cadore has gorgeous mountains, a pristine lake, wooded slopes and cows roaming the alpine meadows. ⠀⠀
PHOTO TIP – ANIMALS: Adding people or animals in a landscape is a nice way to diversify the visual interest and show more of the culture of the area. So when I add a person, I call it “humanizing” the landscape. So in this case, perhaps we should call it “faunizing” (fauna = animal life) or animalizing” the landscape… haha! I also had to make some pretty loud “mooing” noises to get at least one of these bacas to look my way! ? —

Brugge Belfort
July 15, 2017 · 1,353 Likes · 76 comments · 7790 Followers
BRUGGE BELFORT – The views from this beautiful bend in Brugge are spectacular. This is one of my favorite places in my favorite European city, because it feels like you are walking back in time.
PHOTO TIP – WHITE BALANCE: When the sun goes down, and you start shooting during blue hour, try a variety of white balances. If you want more BLUE / COOL TEMPERATURE, use incandescent (tungsten) white balance…symbolized by a light bulb. For more WARMTH, try Shade white balance. Or you can use a warming or cooling filter in post production with Photoshop. Just add an adjustment layer at the bottom of the Layers palette, and choose Photo-Filter, then test which filter you want to change the color cast. The adjustment layer it adds comes with a mask, so you can use black paint to hide the effect of the adjustment layer as desired on part of the image. –⠀

Belfort Blue Hour
July 20, 2017 · 965 Likes · 49 comments · 8269 Followers
BRUGGE, BELGIUM – BLUE HOUR!: Yet another shot of my favorite location! Some of you have asked about a workshop in Europe. If I do one some day, Brugge would definitely be on the tour!
PHOTO TIP – FLASHLIGHT: The building on the right, in front, was dark, so I grabbed the halogen flashlight I carry in my bag and spent a few seconds of my long exposure lighting it to match the spotlights that were shining on the other buildings. The color temperature was different so I just balanced it in post with a warming photo filter adjustment layer. –⠀

Bergen Forest
July 25, 2017 · 1,322 Likes · 53 comments · 8738 Followers
BERGEN FOREST: The forest of Bergen, Netherlands, is as enchanting as its cobblestone streets, intriguing castle, and charming shops and cafes. We love the Dutch people, cultures and landscapes. It was so fun meeting up with our friends, the De Dreu Family!⠀
PHOTO TIP – FOREGROUND ADDS FLOW: To create a more intriguing landscape or waterscape, position your tripod to include something in the foreground. In this case I worked my angle to let the fern offer a diagonal balance and lead to the arched bridge, which serves as the focal point of the scene. The bridge flows to the right and the tree reflections then carry one back to the ferns again…to continue the circular flow. –⠀

Cinque Terre
August 13, 2017 · 1,808 Likes · 106 comments · 9489 Followers
CINQUE TERRE – My friend, @jimharmer of @improvephotography shared his favorite location in Cinque Terre (Riomaggiore) and
that spot did not disappoint when BYU-Idaho sent me on a 40-day #enlightentourto do photography and video interviews of the people, culture and landscapes of seven countries of Europe.
PHOTO TIP – DON’T MOVE THE TRIPOD! Scout out your location well before sunset. Once you find your perfect #composition, don’t move the tripod. While the light is still good, take a few bracketed exposures with a faster shutter speed to freeze the moving boats. Then later you can layer one of those shots and mask in the boats in to a shot during blue hour when the boats are blurry because of your slower shutter speed. This way, your get dreamy smooth water but boats that aren’t blurry! You end up with this result, after bracketing for a few hours! —

Cassis Harbor
September 22, 2017 · 1,159 Likes · 39 comments · 11569 Followers
FRENCH RIVIERA – CASSIS, FRANCE: The small villages are my favorite and this one is full of charming features like, brightly colored, row cafes, beautiful boats and reflections, a castle overlooking the harbor, lighthouse, and picturesque coves nearby.
PHOTO TIP – REFLECTIONS: Search for water and an angle so you can include reflections of colorful reflections to increase visual interest. —